We met in May 2019 at a Huntsville-Madison County Chamber (of Commerce) event in Washington, D.C. To be exact, we were "at work" (me- Senator Jones, him- Mayor Battle). We were at the Huntsville Utilities Dinner at the ever-famous Bobby Van's Steakhouse. Mayor asked me to sit at "his table" for which I said I'd be honored but can I bring Kate (literally standing next to me) -- with me. He said sure! Obviously Harrison came with him to the table so the four of us sat together for the 3-hour-plus dinner. We dated in 2019, broke up in 2019, reconnected during the pandemic in 2020, got a little closer in 2021, a wee bit closer in 2022, a lot closer (best friends) in 2023, and decided we are not only the best of friends but meant for each other in the summer of 2024. He then came to DC and we had "the conversation" --and we never looked back. We can't wait for June 2025 in our sweet not-so-little-anymore hometown! Cheers!
Oh did I mention the night we met I said to him in front of Mayor Battle: "you're going to be my husband." Just ask Kate, she was with me and proceeded to embarrass him even more than I did. The internet says: when you know, you know! (also: please don't do this!).
**Ohhhh-- yes, rival high schools but we did NOT know each other growing up! I'm not going to say which high school is better as to not appear bias, so just ask around. Go Tigers!